BNR radio Bright 25

December 30, 2009 · Posted in Personal, Radio · 1 Comment 

Every year Bright Magazine publishes the Bright 25, a list the most important trends, innovations and gadgets as seen by the editors of Bright. Erwin van der Zande, Bright’s chief editor wasn’t available for a BNR radio interview so they let me loose to explain some of the choices listed in the Bright 25.


How hot is Copenhagen?

December 7, 2009 · Posted in Personal · Comment 

The Climate Scoreboard widget measures the results of the talks in Copenhagen and portrays its effect on future climate change in real-time. The Scoreboard is an initiative of Climate Interactive, a group that focuses on making understandable presentations of complex scientific issues and in particular the science of climate change. You can get live updates through Twitter

We can rebuild him — we have the technology

December 2, 2009 · Posted in Personal · Comment 

091202-bionicIt looks like the bionically rebuild, crashed astronaut Steve Austin from the seventies tv-show the Six Million Dollar Man is not so farfetched after all. He’d probably be a bit more expensive today but nonetheless. Recently 51 year Peter Lane was one of the first people in the world outfitted with ‘bionic’ eyes. Peter Lane hasn’t seen the light in over thirty years and can now see outlines of objects such as doorways and furniture . He also has the ability to read though the reading is limited to small words. Cameras built into his glasses send the images to a processor worn on his belt where they are turned into an electronic signal. This signal is sent back to the glasses and transmitted wirelessly to a tiny receiver and electrode panel implanted on his retina. However, it’s still earlier days before the blind can see as well as people with healthy eyesight. Lane says the way he sees cars is as cotton wool but progress is definitely made. Bionic body replacement parts may become readily available sooner than you think. Head over to Wired for a great overview of bionic arms currently under development.